Homework 2: A Barebones HTTP/1.1 Client

This assignment is due at 11:59 pm on February 16, 2018.
You can download the homework zip archive here.
Make sure to read the homework before starting. We have incorporated updated autograder sumbission and testing instructions.

In this programming exercise, you will create a barebones web client. While python includes a basic http client module http.client, this assignment will serve as a learning experience for translating a protocol into an implementation. Your deliverable will be a client which only implements the GET method and follows the basics of the HTTP/1.1 specification, enough to download files as one would with the command line program curl. In addition to this you are also required to verify the certificate of pages that you connect https.

HTTP/1.1 Features

HTTP/1.0 describes the most basic functionality that an HTTP client is required to do. HTTP/1.1 includes several new features that extend the protocol. For this assignment, you will only be required to implement these additional features:

  • Include a Host: header
  • Correctly interpret Transfer-encoding: chunked
  • Include a Connection: close header, or handle persistent connections

These new features are described in James Marshall’s excellent HTTP Made Really Easy under the HTTP/1.1 clients subsection.

Note that the RFCs are your friends: if you’re having trouble with Transfer-encoding, check the RFC for hints!

Basic HTTP functionality

As seen in class, HTTP is a stateless request-response protocol that consists of an initial line, zero or more headers, and zero or more bytes of content. Your program will implement a function, retrieve_url, which takes a url (as a str) as its only argument, and uses the HTTP protocol to retrieve and return the body’s bytes (do not decode those bytes into a string). Consult the book or your class notes for the basics of the HTTP protocol.

You may assume that the URL will not include a fragment, query string, or authentication credentials. You are not required to follow any redirects - only return bytes when receiving a 200 OK response from the server. If for any reason your program cannot retrieve the resource correctly, retrieve_url should return None.

Validating HTTPS

Within the retrieve_url you will also be required to ensure that when connecting to a HTTPS based website, your client ensures a valid certificate is provided by the server. The ssl library in Python will do this for you by default. If the returned certificate is invalid (expired, wrong host etc) and cannot be validated retrieve_url returns None. To test your code in addition to the provided tests, there are examples available at badssl.com.


A trivial template is provided in this repository, as hw2.py. This contains the necessary modules you need to complete this homework. If you would like import any additional modules, make sure to ask on Piazza.

Testing and Grading

For this homework we will be using a server-side autogorader provided by OK to grade your work. Like before, you can create as many backups as you like using python3 ok, however, for this homework each time you provide the --submit flag will also send your submission to the autograder. The results of your code will be sent out to you on your UIC email address (the one you use to login to the OK Web UI).

Importantly, to ensure some load balancing os the server autograder, we have also enforced a 12 hour time window in which you can submit your results once to the serverside autograger. If you attempt to make multiple submissions in the period, you will receive a limit exceeded email. It is recommended to use the autograder wisely. Alternatively, you can self verify your code by comparing responses using the requests module and curl.

There is a total of 12 main points, and 3 bonus points on this assignment, for a grand total of 15 possible points.

  • 9 points for correctly handling each of the 9 HTTP URLs.
  • 3 points for correctly handling HTTPS based requests.
  • 3 bonus point for taking care of URL redirects


You will be making the submission for this homework through the OK client. When you first download the homework, make sure you authenticate using python3 ok --authenticate. To save your work, feel free to create as many backups as you like.

The files which will be submitted by the ok client:

  • hw2.py: This file will contain your version of the retrieve_url

To submit your work, run python3 ok --submit. Like previously, you are allowed to make multiple submissions but you have limited attempts with the grader.

Due Date and Logistics

  • This assignment is due at the at 11:59 pm on February 16, 2018.

  • If you have any questions please use the Piazza discussion forum.