Prof. Jakob Eriksson
Struggling News Editor

Dr. Nilanjana Basu

Aug 9, 2022

Ph.D. student Nilanjana Basu successfully defended her thesis, titled ``Novel and Efficient Execution Models using Automatic Program Transformation'' today. Nilanjana will be joining the world-leading (if a bit secretive) compiler group at Apple Computer.

new grant from the National Science Foundation

July 29, 2022

Our group was awarded a 3-year, $600k grant from the National Science Foundation, supporting our Compound Processes project (see projects).

open PhD positions

July 15, 2022

We are currently looking to recruit up to 4 new PhD students to work on core computer systems research. Positions are fully funded, primarily via research assistantship. Send me an email to learn more about this opportunity.

paper presentation

Jun 26, 2021

Nilanjana Basu presented our paper on Compiler Interrupts at PLDI'21!


July 30, 2021

Our group was awarded a new NSF grant on Rackwide Computing. The grant is for $500k, and runs through 2024.