Class DestroyerUnit


class DestroyerUnit
extends Unit

This is the only water based unit in the game. It is useful for defense and offense. Stats are: health - 100, movementRange - 5, firepower - 180, armor - 220, cost - 20.

Field Summary
(package private) static javax.swing.ImageIcon unitIcon
Fields inherited from class Unit
armor, attacked, cost, firepower, forest, health, maxHealth, moved, movementRange, nextUnit, number, passableTerrain, posx, posy, prevx, prevy, type, unitIcon, water
Constructor Summary
Methods inherited from class Unit
addPassableTerrain, getArmor, getCost, getFirePower, getHealth, getIcon, getMaxHealth, getMovementRange, getNext, getNumber, getOldX, getOldY, getPositionX, getPositionY, getType, hasAttacked, hasMoved, isPassable, setAttacked, setHealth, setIcon, setMoved, setNext, setNumber, setPositionX, setPositionY, takeDamage
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
, clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, registerNatives, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


static javax.swing.ImageIcon unitIcon
Constructor Detail


public DestroyerUnit()