July 15, 2019A paper with my former Ph.D. student, Gurudev Devanla on Generating Integration Tests Automatically Using Frequent Patterns of Method Execution Sequences won the first place and the best paper award at SEKE 2019. This paper won the first place and the best paper award at SEKE 2019. This paper contains preliminary results that were used to obtain the NSF grant described below and these results show that it is possible to synthesize system and integration tests automatically with a high mutant killing power.July 7, 2019Received new NSF grant to fund my research on Theory and Practice of Synthesizing System and Integration Tests. We create new algorithms and techniques for automatically obtaining models that describe interacting components, thus reducing the number of synthesized system and integration tests and increasing their fault-finding power. Also, a novel way will be created in which static and dynamic analyses and machine learning are used to obtain test input data as well as oracles for the synthesized system and integration tests.May, 2019Two full research papers with my former students are accepted to the IEEE Cloud and Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering conferences. Also, my 37th patent is awarded by the US Patent Office on automatically localizing production faults in deployed software applications.March/April, 2019Ms. Gurpreet Chabada and Mr. Giovanni Agugini Bassi successfully defended their master theses that they developed when working under my guidance as my RAs. Congratulations!June 7, 2018Our research paper on Discovering Irregular Workloads to Stress Test the Elastic Resource Provisioning for Cloud-Based Applications is accepted to the 10th IEEE Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering (SSBSE), Montpellier September 8-10, 2018. Acceptance rate: 31.6% (6/12/19). May 22, 2018Our research paper on Differencing Graphical User Interfaces is accepted IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security, QRS 2018, Lisbon, Portugal, July 16-21, 2018. Acceptance rate: 19.3% (33/171).March 10, 2017Ms.Kruti Sharma, my graduate RA, successfully defended her master thesis on Generating Smartphone Phishing Applications for Deception-based Defense. She graduates in May, 2017. February 28, 2017Our research paper on Automatically Detecting Integrity Violations In Database-Centric Applications is accepted to the 25th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2017. Acceptance rate: 33% (28 accepted out of 83 submissions). July 20, 2016Received new NSF grant to fund my research on Securing Smartphone Applications Against Rapidly Expanding Accessibility-Based Attacks. We apply application modeling and compositional intercomponent analysis using these models to create a prototype that can predict and mitigate security threats posed by accessiblity technologies for smartphone users. Also, the results of the proposed research should inform the GUI security and assistive technologies communities about the possibilities and limits of program analyses and machine learning in dealing with security problems posed by accessibility technologies that make users unsafe. The questions that we plan to raise in this NSF proposal are crucial to understanding security issues of using accessibility technologies in smartphone applications.June 1, 2016Received new NSF grant to fund my research on new methods and tools for automatically localizing faults in deployed software applications.It is based on the experimental work completed as part of the previous I-Corps NSF grant where we showed a new way to localize production faults by speculative analysis based on statistical relational learning.May 25, 2016A paper with my former Ph.D. student, Guru Devanla on Mutation Integration Testing is accepted to the IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security with the acceptance rate 29%.March 28, 2016Our full research paper was accepted that answers negatively to the following research question: can software project maturity be accurately predicted using internal source code metrics? I will present this paper at the 12th International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining (MLDM´2016) and it will be published in by Springer LNCS. Acceptance rate: 33%.March 8, 2016Two book chapters with my Ph.D. students Md Abu Naser Bikas and Abdullah Allourani are accepted to Advanced in Computers, vol. 103, Elsevier.February 29, 2016Our full research paper on Mining Performance Regression Inducing Code Changes in Evolving Software is accepted to the 13th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2016) with acceptance rate 27%.January 28, 2016Our tool demo paper “FOREPOST: A Tool For Detecting Performance Problems with Feedback-Driven Learning Software Testing” is accepted to the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2016) with acceptance rate 32%!December 7, 2015My MS student, Davide Pagano successfully defended his master thesis.November 17, 2015Our paper on FOREPOST is accepted to the Springer Empirical Software Engineering Journal and paper on Enhancing Rules For Cloud Resource Provisioning Via Learned Software Performance Models is accepted to the International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE) with 33% acceptance rate.
Research paper on Using Machine Learning to Automatically Classify Software Applications into Domain Categories is accepted to The Journal of Empirical Software Engineering (ESEM).
July 23, 2012
Research paper on Searching for Relevant Functions and Their Usages in Millions of Lines of Code is accepted to ACM Transactions of Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM).
June 21, 2012
Received new NSF grant CCF-1217928: Linking Evolving Software Requirements and Acceptance Tests. This grant funds my research that addresses a fundamental problem of traceability between requirements and acceptance tests by defining and developing a new, integrated model for recovering traceability links using execution artifacts, diverse models, and requirements.
June 18, 2012
Research paper on CarFast is accepted to FSE’12. This paper is a result of a long-term research project that started in my research group at Accenture Technology Lab during the summer of 2010 when Ph.D. students Sangmin Park (Georgia Tech), Kunal Taneja (NCSU), and Ishtiaque Hussain (UT Arlington) interned at my group. You can download and read the paper here.
June 6, 2012
I presented two research papers and gave a technical briefing on Software Engineering in the Age of Data Privacy at ICSE’12 in Zurich, Switzerland.
May, 2012
I serve as a Co-Chair of the Industry Track, Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE’12), Kingston, Ontario, October 2012. Please consider submitting your papers and participating.
My two research paper are accepted to ICSE’12. The paper on FOREPOST introduces a novel concept of adaptive feedback-directed learning performance testing, where rules that govern selection of input data are learnt from execution traces of applications under test. The paper on CLAN describes an approach that detects similar applications.