Ziyu Liu, Ph.D. Student

I received my B.S in 2016 from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. I received my M.S. degree in Computer Science in 2018 from Illinois Institute of Technology. I started my Ph.D. at the IIT DBGroup in Fall 2018.
I have been TA for the following courses:- 2018 Fall: CS525 - Advanced Database Organization
- 2018 Fall: -
Research Projects
I am involved in the following research projects:- GProM - A database-independent middleware for computing the provenance of queries, updates, and transactions
I am collaborating with:- Dieter Gawlick - Oracle
- Oliver Kennedy - SUNY Buffalo
- Vasudha Krishnaswamy - Oracle
- Venkatesh Radhakrishnan
- Zhen Hua Liu - Oracle
Towards an Objective Metric for Data Value Through Relevance
Boris Glavic, Pengyuan Li, Ziyu Liu, Dieter Gawlick, Vasudha Krishnaswamy, Danica Porobic and Zhen Hua Liu
Proceedings of the 14th Conference on Innovative Data Systems (2024).@inproceedings{GL24, author = {Glavic, Boris and Li, Pengyuan and Liu, Ziyu and Gawlick, Dieter and Krishnaswamy, Vasudha and Porobic, Danica and Liu, Zhen Hua}, title = {Towards an Objective Metric for Data Value Through Relevance}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th Conference on Innovative Data Systems}, year = {2024}, projects = {Provenance; Relevance-based Data Management}, pdfurl = {http://www.cs.uic.edu/%7ebglavic/dbgroup/assets/pdfpubls/GL24.pdf}, venueshort = {CIDR} }
Self-tuning Database Operations by Assessing the Importance of Data
Boris Glavic, Pengyuan Li and Ziyu Liu
Technical Report #UIC/CS-DB-2023-01
Illinois Institute of Technology.@techreport{GL23, author = {Glavic, Boris and Li, Pengyuan and Liu, Ziyu}, title = {Self-tuning Database Operations by Assessing the Importance of Data}, institution = {Illinois Institute of Technology}, year = {2023}, number = {UIC/CS-DB-2023-01}, pdfurl = {http://www.cs.uic.edu/%7ebglavic/dbgroup/assets/pdfpubls/GL23.pdf}, projects = {Relevance-based Data Management}, keywords = {Provenance, Relevance-based Data Management}, venueshort = {Techreport} }
Oracle PBDS Experiments
Boris Glavic, Xing Niu, Pengyuan Li and Ziyu Liu
Technical Report #UIC/Cs-db-2022-01
Illinois Institute of Technology.@techreport{GN22, author = {Glavic, Boris and Niu, Xing and Li, Pengyuan and Liu, Ziyu}, title = {Oracle PBDS Experiments}, institution = {Illinois Institute of Technology}, year = {2022}, number = {UIC/Cs-db-2022-01}, pdfurl = {http://www.cs.uic.edu/%7ebglavic/dbgroup/assets/pdfpubls/GN22.pdf}, projects = {Relevance-based Data Management}, keywords = {Provenance, Relevance-based Data Management}, venueshort = {Techreport} }
Provenance-based Data Skipping
Xing Niu, Ziyu Liu, Pengyuan Li, Boris Glavic, Dieter Gawlick, Vasudha Krishnaswamy, Zhen Hua Liu and Danica Porobic
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment. 15, 3 (2021) , 451–464.@article{NL21, author = {Niu, Xing and Liu, Ziyu and Li, Pengyuan and Glavic, Boris and Gawlick, Dieter and Krishnaswamy, Vasudha and Liu, Zhen Hua and Porobic, Danica}, keywords = {Provenance, Data Skipping, Relevance-based Data Management}, title = {Provenance-based Data Skipping}, journal = {Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment}, projects = {Relevance-based Data Management}, pages = {451 - 464}, volume = {15}, issue = {3}, year = {2021}, doi = {10.14778/3494124.3494130}, venueshort = {{PVLDB}}, pdfurl = {https://vldb.org/pvldb/vol15/p451-niu.pdf}, longversionurl = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/2104.12815} }
Database systems use static analysis to determine upfront which data is needed for answering a query and use indexes and other physical design techniques to speed-up access to that data. However, for important classes of queries, e.g., HAVING and top-k queries, it is impossible to determine up-front what data is relevant. To overcome this limitation, we develop provenance-based data skipping (PBDS), a novel approach that generates provenance sketches to concisely encode what data is relevant for a query. Once a provenance sketch has been captured it is used to speed up subsequent queries. PBDS can exploit physical design artifacts such as indexes and zone maps.