UIC Data Labs Seminars
Prof. Asudeh, Sintos, and Glavic co-organize a virtual seminar series on data related research topics. Talks are virtual over zoom. Everybody at UIC is welcome to attend these talks on cutting edge research in data management, data mining, databases, and data science. More information and the schedule can be found here: https://lordpretzel.github.io/uic-db-seminar/DBGroup Weekly Meeting and Seminars
Boris's group meet weekly to discuss administrative issues, plan research, as a paper reading group, and for research presentations.
2024 Fall
In 2024 Fall we are meeting Tuesdays at 4:00pm-5:00pm in online and Boris's office.
Date | Time | Speakers | Location | Title | Type of Talk |
11/30 | 4:00pm-5:00pm | Ziyu Liu | online and Boris's office | Paper Review | |
11/26 | 4:00pm-5:00pm | Pengyuan Li | online and Boris's office | JSON | Paper Review |
11/12 | 4:00pm-5:00pm | Chenjie Li | online and Boris's office | Summarized Causal Explanations for Aggregate Views | Paper Review |
10/05 | 4:00pm-5:00pm | online and Boris's office | Paper Review | ||
09/28 | 4:00pm-5:00pm | online and Boris's office | Research Discussion | ||
09/21 | 4:00pm-5:00pm | online and Boris's office | Research Discussion |
2023 Fall
In 2023 Fall we are meeting Thursdays at 12pm-1pm in online and Boris's office.
Date | Time | Speakers | Location | Title | Type of Talk |
11/30 | 12pm-1pm | Ziyu Liu | online and Boris's office | Paper Review | |
11/30 | 12pm-1pm | Pengyuan Li | online and Boris's office | Paper Review | |
11/20 | 12pm-1pm | Daniel Lee | online and Boris's office | Paper Review | |
11/20 | 12pm-1pm | Chenjie Li | online and Boris's office | Fast Algorithms for Denial Constraint Discovery | Paper Review |
10/12 | 12pm-1pm | Su Feng | online and Boris's office | Overview over Abstract Interpretation with Zonotopes | Paper Review |
10/05 | 12pm-1pm | online and Boris's office | Paper Review | ||
09/28 | 12pm-1pm | online and Boris's office | Research Discussion | ||
09/21 | 12pm-1pm | online and Boris's office | Research Discussion |
2023 Spring
In 2023 Spring we are meeting Mondays at 5pm-6pm in online and Boris office.
Date | Time | Speakers | Location | Title | Type of Talk |
04/24 | 5pm-6pm | Daniel Lee | online and Boris office | Paper Review | |
04/10 | 5pm-6pm | Chenjie Li | online and Boris office | HoloClean: Holistic Data Repairs with Probabilistic Inference | Paper Review |
04/03 | 5pm-6pm | Su Feng | online and Boris office | Efficient Management of Uncertain Data | Thesis Dry-run |
03/20 | 5pm-6pm | Pengyuan Li | online and Boris office | Algorithms for Deferred View Maintenance | Paper Review |
03/13 | 5pm-6pm | Ziyu Liu | online and Boris office | A Scalable Hash Ripple Join Algorithm | Paper Review |
02/27 | 5pm-6pm | Su Feng | online and Boris office | A Paper That is Currently Reviewed | Paper Review |
02/20 | 5pm-6pm | online and Boris office | Research Discussion |
2022 Fall
In 2022 Fall we are meeting Mondays at 5pm-6pm in online and Boris office.
Date | Time | Speakers | Location | Title | Type of Talk |
11/14 | 5pm-6pm | Su Feng | online and Boris office | Paper Review | |
11/07 | 5pm-6pm | Pengyuan Li | online and Boris office | Paper Review | |
10/24 | 5pm-6pm | Ziyu Liu | online and Boris office | Wander Join: Online Aggregation via Random Walks | Paper Review |
10/17 | 5pm-6pm | Daniel Lee | online and Boris office | Paper Review | |
10/03 | 5pm-6pm | Chenjie Li | online and Boris office | Complaint-driven Training Data Debugging for Query 2.0 | Paper Review |
09/26 | 5pm-6pm | online and Boris office | Everybody presents and overview of their research | Research Discussion |
2022 Spring
In 2022 Spring we are meeting Mondays at 5pm-6pm in online.
Date | Time | Speakers | Location | Title | Type of Talk |
05/02 | 5pm-6pm | online | |||
04/25 | 5pm-6pm | Felix Campbell | online | Efficient Answering of Historical What-if Queries | Conference paper Dry-run |
04/18 | 5pm-6pm | Daniel Lee | online | Extracting Equivalent SQL from Imperative Code in Database Applications | Paper Review |
04/11 | 5pm-6pm | online | |||
04/04 | 5pm-6pm | Chenjie Li | online | LSH Ensemble: Internet-Scale Domain Searchi | Paper Review |
03/28 | 5pm-6pm | Pengyuan Li | online | Fine-grained Partitioning for Aggressive Data Skipping | Paper Review |
03/21 | 5pm-6pm | Ziyu Liu | online | Overcoming Limitations of Sampling for Aggregation Queries | Paper Review |
03/07 | 5pm-6pm | Su Feng | online | A unified approach to ranking in probabilistic databases | Paper Review |
02/28 | 5pm-6pm | online | Zhengjie Miao (Duke), title: Hands-on/hands-off: Helping Users Work with Data Science Pipelines | Job Talk Dry Run | |
02/21 | 5pm-6pm | Qitian Zeng | online | Generating Optimal Plans for Boolean Expressions | Paper Review |
02/14 | 5pm-6pm | online | |||
02/07 | 5pm-6pm | online | Group Research Discussion | Research Talk | |
01/31 | 5pm-6pm | online | Group Research Discussion | Research Talk | |
01/24 | 5pm-6pm | online |
2021 Fall
In 2021 Fall we are meeting Mondays at 5pm-6pm in online.
Date | Time | Speakers | Location | Title | Type of Talk |
11/29 | 5pm-6pm | Md Kamrul Hasan | online | Paper Review | |
11/15 | 5pm-6pm | Daniel Lee | online | POLARIS: The Distributed SQL Engine in Azure Synapse | Paper Review |
11/10 | 3pm-4pm | Su Feng | online | Efficient Management of Uncertain Data | Comprehensive Dry Run |
11/08 | 5pm-6pm | Xing Niu | online | Integrating Provenance Management and Query Optimization | Defense Dry Run |
11/01 | 5pm-6pm | Felix Campbell | online | Incremental, Iterative Data Processing With Timely Dataflow | Paper Review |
10/25 | 5pm-6pm | Ziyu Liu | online | Combining Aggregation and Sampling (Nearly) Optimally for Approximate Query Processing | Paper Review |
10/18 | 5pm-6pm | Pengyuan Li | online | Join Index, Materialized View and Hybrid-Hash Join: A Performance Analysis | Paper Review |
10/04 | 5pm-6pm | Chenjie Li | online | Why Should I Trust You? Explaining the Predictions of Any Classifier | Paper Review |
09/27 | 5pm-6pm | Su Feng | online | Spatiotemporal aggregate computation: a survey | Paper Review |
09/20 | 5pm-6pm | Md Kamrul Hasan | online | Automatic Error Correction Using the Wikipedia Page Revision History | Research Presentation |
09/20 | 5pm-6pm | Qitian Zeng | online | Adaptive Execution of Compiled Queries | Paper Review |
09/13 | 5pm-6pm | online | |||
08/30 | 5pm-6pm | online |
2021 Spring
In 2021 Spring we are meeting Wednesdays at 4pm-5pm in online.
Date | Time | Speakers | Location | Title | Type of Talk |
04/29 | 4pm-5pm | Daniel Lee | online | Compiling PL/SQL Away | Paper Review |
04/22 | 4pm-5pm | Chenjie Li | online | Casual Relational Learning | Paper Review |
04/15 | 4pm-5pm | Qitian Zeng | online | Adaptive Execution of Compiled Queries | Paper Review |
04/01 | 4pm-5pm | Xing Niu | online | DeepSea: self-adaptive data partitioning and replication in scalable distributed data systems | Paper Review |
03/25 | 4pm-5pm | Ziyu Liu | online | Statistical Analysis of Sketch Estimators | Paper Review |
03/18 | 4pm-5pm | Su Feng | online | Overview of Top-k Queries over Uncertain Data | Paper Review |
03/11 | 4pm-5pm | Pengyuan Li | online | Join Indicies | Paper Review |
2020 Fall
In 2020 Fall we are meeting Wednesdays at 3:30-4:30pm in SB233.
Date | Time | Speakers | Location | Title | Type of Talk |
11/25 | 3:30-4:30pm | Daniel Lee | SB233 | Pushing Data-Induced Predicates Through Joins in Big-Data Clusters | Paper Review |
11/11 | 3:30-4:30pm | Ziyu Liu | SB233 | DeepDB: learn from data, not from queries! | Paper Review |
11/04 | 3:30-4:30pm | Pengyuan Li | SB233 | DBToaster: Higher-order delta processing for dynamic, frequently fresh views | Paper Review |
10/28 | 3:30-4:30pm | Chenjie Li | SB233 | Efficient Mining of Emerging Patterns: Discovering Trends and Differences | Paper Review |
10/21 | 3:30-4:30pm | SB233 | Research lightning talks | Research Talk | |
10/07 | 3:30-4:30pm | Qitian Zeng | SB233 | Efficiently compiling efficient query plans for modern hardware + LLVM Introduction | Paper Review |
09/30 | 3:30-4:30pm | Xing Niu | SB233 | Containment paper (TBA) | Paper Review |
09/23 | 3:30-4:30pm | Su Feng | SB233 | Semantics of Ranking Queries for Probabilistic Data and Expected Ranks | Paper Review |
08/26 | 3:30-4:30pm | Boris Glavic | SB233 | start of the semester | Topic Talk |
2020 Spring
In 2020 Spring we are meeting Thursdays at 4:30-5:30pm in SB233.
Date | Time | Speakers | Location | Title | Type of Talk |
04/30 | 4:30-5:30pm | Seokki Lee | SB233 | Scaling-Up In-Memory Datalog Processing: Observations and Techniques | Paper Review |
04/23 | 4:30-5:30pm | Pengyuan Li | SB233 | Maintaining Views Incrementally | Paper Review |
04/16 | 4:30-5:30pm | Ziyu Liu | SB233 | Improved Histograms for Selectivity Estimation of Range Predicates | Paper Review |
04/09 | 4:30-5:30pm | Su Feng | SB233 | Provenance for Aggregate Queries, Amsterdamer, Yael and Deutch, Daniel and Tannen, Val | Paper Review |
04/02 | 4:30-5:30pm | Chenjie Li | SB233 | Informative Summarization of Numeric Data | Paper Review |
03/26 | 4:30-5:30pm | Seokki Lee | SB233 | Why and Why-not Provenance for Queries with Negation | Thesis Defense Dry-run |
03/05 | 4:30-5:30pm | Qitian Zeng | SB233 | Latch-free Synchronization in Database Systems: Silver Bullet or Fool's Gold? | Paper Review |
02/26 | 4:30-5:30pm | Xing Niu | SB233 | Semantic data caching and replacement | Paper Review |
01/30 | 4:30-5:30pm | Boris Glavic | SB233 | How to do literature search and organize bibliographies | Topic Talk |
01/23 | 4:30-5:30pm | Qitian Zeng | SB233 | Reimplementation of GProM's enum_magic.h with preprocessor wizardry | Topic Talk |
2019 Spring
In 2019 Spring we are meeting Tuesdays at 3pm in SB233.
Date | Time | Speakers | Location | Title | Type of Talk |
06/?? | 3pm | Qitian Zeng | SB233 | Going Beyond Provenance: Explaining Query Answers with Pattern-based Counterbalances | Conference Presentation Dry-run |
04/23 | 3pm | Qitian Zeng | SB233 | decide 3/15 | Paper Review |
04/16 | 3pm | Ziyu Liu | SB233 | The history of histograms (abridged) | Paper Review |
04/10 | 3pm | Bahareh Arab | SB233 | Provenance for Transactional Updates | Thesis Defense Dry-run |
04/09 | 3pm | Seokki Lee | SB233 | BigDatalog | Paper Review |
04/09 | 3pm | Pengyuan Li | SB233 | Of Nests and Trees [Dayal] | Paper Review |
03/12 | 3pm | Su Feng | SB233 | Inconsistent query answering | Paper Review |
03/05 | 3pm | Bahareh Arab | SB233 | Provsql: Provenance and probability management in postgresql | Paper Review |
02/26 | 3pm | Xing Niu | SB233 | Paper Review |
2018 Fall
In 2018 Fall we are meeting Tuesdays at 4pm in SB233.
Date | Time | Speakers | Location | Title | Type of Talk |
11/27 | 4pm | SB233 | TBA + TBA | Paper Review | |
11/?? | 4pm | Xing Niu | SB233 | Provenance-aware Query Optimization | Comprehensive Exam Dry-run |
11/13 | 4pm | Pengyuan Li Seokki Lee | SB233 | Algebraic unnesting for nested queries and Query-based Missing Answer | Paper Review |
11/06 | 4pm | Bahareh Arab Su Feng | SB233 | TBA + TBA - Machine learning prov + uncertainty | Paper Review |
10/30 | 4pm | Seokki Lee | SB233 | PUG: A Framework For Efficiently Computing And Summarizing Why And Why-Not Provenance | Comprehensive Exam Dry-run |
10/23 | 4pm | Qitian Zeng | SB233 | Aggregation Outlier Explanations | Research Overview |
10/09 | 4pm | Xing Niu | SB233 | You Say What, I Hear Where and Why - (Mis-)Interpreting SQL to Derive Fine-Grained Provenance | Paper Review |
2018 Spring
In 2018 Spring we are meeting Wednesday at 4pm in SB233.
Date | Time | Speakers | Location | Title | Type of Talk |
Apr/12 | 4pm | Seokki Lee | SB233 | BlinkDB | Paper Review |
Apr/5 | 4pm | Qitian Zeng | SB233 | TBD | Paper Review |
Mar/29 | 4pm | Su Feng | SB233 | Libkin | Paper Review |
Mar/22 | 4pm | Bahareh Arab | SB233 | Tiresisa (How to) | Paper Review |
Mar/8 | 4pm | Xing Niu | SB233 | Nested Subquery | Paper Review |
2017 Fall
In 2017 Fall we are meeting Thursdays at 4pm in SB233.
Date | Time | Speakers | Location | Title | Type of Talk |
Nov/30 | 04pm | Su Feng | SB233 | m-tables: Representing Missing Data | Paper Review |
Nov/16 | 04pm | Bahareh Arab | SB233 | Transaction Repair for Multi-Version Concurrency Control | Paper Review |
Nov/9 | 04pm | Seokki Lee | SB233 | Wander Join: Online Aggregation via Random Walks | Paper Review |
Nov/2 | 04pm | Qitian Zeng | SB233 | Paper Review | |
Oct/26 | 04pm | Xing Niu | SB233 | Skipping-oriented partitioning for columnar layouts | Paper Review |
Oct/12 | 04pm | Bahareh Arab | SB233 | Reenacting Transactions to Computer Their Provenance | Comprehensive Exam Dry-run |
Sep/20 | 05pm | Su Feng | SB233 | Uncertainty annotated databases | Oral Exam Dry-run |
2017 Spring
In 2017 Spring we are meeting Wednesdays at 4pm in SB233.
Date | Time | Speakers | Location | Title | Type of Talk |
Apr/05 | 04pm | Xing Niu | SB233 | Provenance-aware Query Optimization (ICDE) | Conference Presentation Dry-run |
Mar/29 | 04pm | Seokki Lee | SB233 | A SQL-Middleware Unifying Why and Why-Not Provenance for First-Order Queries (ICDE) | Conference Presentation Dry-run |
Mar/22 | 04pm | Bahareh Arab | SB233 | TBA | Paper Review |
Mar/15 | 04pm | Su Feng | SB233 | TBA | Paper Review |
Mar/08 | 04pm | Seokki Lee | SB233 | The Complexity of Causality and Responsibility for Query Answers and non-Answers | Paper Review |
Mar/01 | 04pm | Xing Niu | SB233 | Papers about query optimization involving group-by operations. | Paper Review |
2016 Fall
In 2016 Fall we are meeting Wednesdays at 4pm in SB233.
Date | Time | Speakers | Location | Title | Type of Talk |
Nov/30 | 04pm | Bahareh Arab | SB233 | QFix: Diagnosing errors through query histories | Paper Review |
Nov/16 | 04pm | Xing Niu | SB233 | On Provenance Minimization | Paper Review |
Nov/09 | 04pm | Seokki Lee | SB233 | Selective Provenance for Datalog Programs Using Top-K Queries | Paper Review |
Nov/02 | 04pm | Boris Glavic | SB233 | Approximate Query Processing | Paper Review |
Oct/19 | 04pm | Su Feng | SB233 | Lenses: An On-Demand Approach to ETL | Paper Review |
Oct/05 | 04pm | Bahareh Arab | SB233 | Reenactment for Read-Committed Snapshot Isolation (CIKM) | Conference Presentation Dry-run |
2016 Spring
In 2016 Spring we are meeting Wednesdays at 2pm in SB233.
Date | Time | Speakers | Location | Title | Type of Talk |
Apr/06 | 02pm | Seokki Lee | SB233 | Paper Review | |
Mar/30 | 02pm | Xing Niu | SB233 | Efficient Provenance Storage over Nested Data Collections | Paper Review |
Mar/23 | 02pm | Bahareh Arab | SB233 | Containment of Conjunctive Queries on Annotated Relations | Paper Review |
Feb/17 | 02pm | Boris Glavic | SB233 | Administrative | Administrative |
Jan/27 | 02pm | Seokki Lee | SB233 | An Efficient SQL-based Implementation Unifying Why and Why-Not Provenance | Oral Exam Testrun |
Jan/27 | 01pm | Bahareh Arab | SB233 | Reenacting Transactions to Compute their Provenance | Oral Exam Testrun |
Jan/20 | 02pm | Boris Glavic | SB233 | Administrative | |
Jan/13 | 02pm | Boris Glavic | SB233 | Plan for this semester | Administrative |
2015 Fall
In 2015 Fall we are meeting Wednesdays at 1pm in .
Date | Time | Speakers | Location | Title | Type of Talk |
Nov/18 | 2:30pm | SB233 | A formal approach to finding explanations for database queries | Paper Review | |
Nov/11 | 2:30pm | Seokki Lee | SB233 | Efficiently compiling efficient query plans for modern hardware | Paper Review |
Oct/28 | 2:30pm | Seokki Lee | SB233 | Cell-based causality for data repairs | Paper Review |
Oct/07 | 01pm | Interpretable and informative explanations of outcomes. | Paper Review | ||
Sep/09 | 01pm | Raghav Kapoor | About his internship | Internship Review | |
Aug/26 | 01pm | Boris Glavic | 1) Linking prospective and retrospective provenance in scripts. 2) Decoupling Provenance Capture and Analysis from Execution. | Paper Review + Administrative |
2015 Summer
In 2015 Summer we are meeting Wednesdays at 1pm in SB106.
Date | Time | Speakers | Location | Title | Type of Talk |
July/22 | 01pm | Andrea Cornudella | SB106 | Andrea presents her master thesis done at IIT: Computing Candidate Keys of Relational Operators for Optimizing Rewrite-Based Provenance Computations. | Master Thesis Defence |
July/01 | 01pm | Xing Niu | SB106 | Trial run for Xing's presentation at TaPP: Interoperability for Provenance-aware Databases using PROV and JSON. | Research Presentation |
June/24 | 01pm | Boris Glavic | SB106 | Index structures DB Background Introduction | Informative |
June/10 | 01pm | Boris Glavic | SB106 | Final discussion on topics and groups for BSMP. Also a paper discussion on Causality and responsibility for queries. | Paper Review + Administrative |
June/03 | 01pm | SB106 | Overview of topics for the BSMP students. | Administrative |
2015 Spring
In 2015 Spring we are meeting Thursdays at 11am in SB233.
Date | Time | Speakers | Location | Title | Type of Talk |
May/11 | 11am | Jason Arnold | SB233 | Jason will present his work on HRDBMS, a distributed database system, in this semester. | Research Presentation |
Apr/09 | 11am | Xing Niu | SB233 | Why Not?. In Sigmod '09: proceedings of the 35th sigmod international conference on management of data | Paper Review |
Mar/26 | 11am | Jingyu Zhu | SB233 | Looking inside the black-box: capturing data provenance using dynamic instrumentation | Paper Review |
Mar/12 | 11am | Seokki Lee | SB233 | Explaining Missing Answers to SPJUA Queries | Paper Review |
Feb/19 | 11am | Raghav Kapoor | SB233 | Ramp: a system for capturing and tracing provenance in mapreduce workflows | Paper Review |
Feb/03 | 02pm | Xing Niu | SB228 | Design and Implementation of a Heuristic and Cost-based Optimizer for Rewrite-based Provenance Computation | Oral Exam Testrun |