UIC Database Group

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Boris Glavic, Associate Professor

I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at University of Illinois, Chicago. I am a database guy and am leading the UIC DBGroup. My research interest spans several areas of database systems including data provenance, data integration, query execution and optimization, and data curation. I strive to build real systems that are based on solid theoretical foundations. For a list of my publications see below or have a look at DBLP and google scholar. Here is a current CV.

Short Bio

I received a Diploma (Master) in Computer Science from the RWTH Aachen in Germany, and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Zurich in Switzerland being advised by Michael Böhlen and Gustavo Alonso. Afterwards, I spend to two years as a PostDoc in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Toronto working at the Database Research Group under Renée J. Miller. Before joining UIC in 2024, I was a Professor of Computer Science at Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago from 2012 to 2023.

Contact Information

Department of Computer Science
851 S. Morgan St., SEO 940
University of Illinois, Chicago
Chicago, IL 60607

Email: [bglavic] at [uic] o [edu]
Office Hours: Thursdays, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm, in person and on zoom zoom


  • PVLDB Vol 16 Distinguished Associate Editor (2023)
  • EDBT 2023 Distinguished PC Member Award (2023)
  • Mercator Fellow in FONDA – Foundations of Workflows for Large-Scale Scientific Data Analysis (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) (2023)
  • SIGMOD Distinguished Program Committee Member Award (2022)
  • SIGMOD Distinguished Program Committee Member Award (2021)
  • VLDB Distinguished Reviewer Award (2021)
  • Mercator Fellow in FONDA – Foundations of Workflows for Large-Scale Scientific Data Analysis (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) (2022)
  • SIGMOD Distinguished Program Committee Member Award (2020)
  • SIGMOD Reproducibility Award (2020)
  • SIGMOD Distinguished Reviewer Award (2019)
  • VLDB Distinguished Reviewer Award (2019)
  • ICDE Outstanding Reviewer Award (2019)
  • Best of ICDE invited TKDE journal paper (2017)

Professional Service

Editorial Service:
  • VLDBJ: Associate Editor (since 2023)
  • PVLDB: Associate Editor (2023 - 2024) , Associate Editor (2022 - 2023) , Associate Editor (2021 - 2022)
  • DAPD: Associate Editor (since 2020) , Guest Editor (2016, Special issue on Large-Scale Data Curation and Metadata Management)
  • TKDE: Associate Editor (2018 - 2024)
Programm Committee Chair:
  • IPAW: 2016
  • ProvenanceWeek: 2020
Senior Programm Committee Memberships:
  • CIKM: 2024, 2022 (short)
  • SIGMOD: 2025
Programm Committee Memberships:
  • AMW: 2012
  • Active: 2017
  • BigStream: 2018
  • Bx: 2018
  • CIKM: 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017
  • DASFAA: 2020, 2019
  • DATA: 2017, 2015, 2014
  • DEBS: 2022
  • DSSA: 2016
  • EDBT: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2019, 2018, 2015
  • ICDE: 2023, 2022, 2022 (demos), 2021 (demos), 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 (demos), 2015
  • SIGIR: 2022, 2021
  • SIGMOD: 2024, 2023, 2023 (demos), 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2019 (demos), 2017, 2016, 2015, 2015 (demos), 2014 (demos), 2011
  • SSDBM: 2020, 2019, 2013
  • TaPP: 2019, 2018, 2015, 2014, 2013
  • VLDB: 2025, 2024 (reproducibility committee), 2021, 2021, 2020 (demos), 2019 (demos), 2019, 2018 (demos), 2017
  • WBDB.us: 2013
  • WBDBCanada: 2015
  • WBDBChina: 2013
  • WebDB: 2015
Other Service:
  • VLDB 2023 Best Paper Award Committee (2023)
Journal Reviewer:
  • CGA: 2019
  • CSUR: 2022, 2021, 2020
  • Computer: 2014
  • IJSWIS: 2017
  • ISF: 2017
  • Information Systems: 2021, 2019, 2018, 2015
  • JBI: 2015
  • JDIQ: 2023, 2020, 2014
  • SCICO: 2017
  • TKDE: 2021, 2018, 2016, 2013, 2011
  • TODS: 2023, 2019, 2018, 2012, 2011
  • TOIT: 2016, 2013
  • TSE: 2016
  • VLDBJ: 2022, 2021, 2020, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2012
External Reviewer:
  • BIS: 2007
  • BTW: 2009
  • ICDE: 2008, 2010
  • ICDT: 2019
  • LICS: 2015
  • POPL: 2019
  • SIGMOD: 2007
  • TOOLS: 2007
  • VLDB: 2007, 2006
Proposal Review:
  • BSF: 2023
  • ERC: 2018, 2019
  • ISF: 2016, 2023
  • Marsden: 2014
  • NSERC: 2017, 2020, 2022
  • NSF: 2013, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 2023


  1. FastPDB: Towards Bag-Probabilistic Queries at Interactive Speeds
    Aaron Huber, Oliver Kennedy, Atri Rudra, Zhuoyue Zhao, Su Feng and Boris Glavic
    SIGMOD (2025).
  2. Comparing Incomplete Database Instances
    Boris Glavic, Giansalvatore Mecca, Renée J. Miller, Paolo Papotti, Donatello Santoro and Enzo Veltri
    Proceedings of the 32nd Symposium of Advanced Database Systems, Villasimius, Italy, June 23rd to 26th, 2024 (2024), pp. 489–507.
  3. Learning from Uncertain Data: From Possible Worlds to Possible Models
    Jiongli Zhu, Su Feng, Boris Glavic and Babak Salimi
    NeurIPS (2024).
  4. SCIPIS: Scalable and Concurrent Persistent Indexing and Search in High-End Computing Systems
    Alexandru Iulian Orhean, Anna Giannakou, Lavanya Ramakrishnan, Kyle Chard, Boris Glavic and Ioan Raicu
    Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 189, (2024) , 104878.
  5. Solving Why Not Questions for Aggregate Constraints through Query Repair
    Shatha Algarni, Boris Glavic, Seokki Lee and Adriane Chapman
    TaPP (2024), pp. 592–596.
  6. Similarity Measures For Incomplete Database Instances
    Boris Glavic, Giansalvatore Mecca, Renée J. Miller, Paolo Papotti, Donatello Santoro and Enzo Veltri
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Extending Database Technology (2024), pp. 461–473.
  7. InferDB: In-Database Machine Learning Inference Using Indexes
    Ricardo Salazar-Diaz, Boris Glavic and Tilmann Rabl
    Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment. 16, 6 (2024) , 1346–1358.
  8. Towards an Objective Metric for Data Value Through Relevance
    Boris Glavic, Pengyuan Li, Ziyu Liu, Dieter Gawlick, Vasudha Krishnaswamy, Danica Porobic and Zhen Hua Liu
    Proceedings of the 14th Conference on Innovative Data Systems (2024).
  9. Efficient Approximation of Certain and Possible Answers for Ranking and Window Queries over Uncertain Data
    Su Feng, Boris Glavic and Oliver Kennedy
    Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment. 16, 6 (2023) , 1346–1358.
  10. How-to-PhD - A Guide for Dummies
    Boris Glavic
    EDBT Ph.D. Workshop Keynote.
  11. Self-tuning Database Operations by Assessing the Importance of Data
    Boris Glavic, Pengyuan Li and Ziyu Liu
    Technical Report #UIC/CS-DB-2023-01
    Illinois Institute of Technology.
  12. Hybrid Query and Instance Explanations and Repairs
    Seokki Lee, Boris Glavic, Adriane Chapman and Bertram Ludäscher
    Companion Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023, WWW 2023, Austin, TX, USA, 30 April 2023 - 4 May 2023 (2023), pp. 1559–1562.
  13. Overlay Spreadsheets
    Oliver Kennedy, Boris Glavic and Michael Brachmann
    Proceedings of the Workshop on Human-In-the-Loop Data Analytics, HILDA 2023, Seattle, WA, USA, 18 June 2023 (2023), pp. 4:1–4:7.
  14. Provenance, Relevance-based Data Management, and the Value of Data
    Boris Glavic
    Provenance Week Keynote.
  15. Generating Interpretable Data-Based Explanations for Fairness Debugging using Gopher
    Jiongli Zhu, Romila Pradhan, Boris Glavic and Babak Salimi
    Proceedings of the 48th International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD) (Demonstration Track) (2022), pp. 2433–2436.
  16. The Right Tool for the Job: Data-Centric Workflows in Vizier
    Oliver Kennedy, Boris Glavic, Juliana Freire and Mike Brachmann
    IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 45, 3 (2022) , 129–144.
  17. Oracle PBDS Experiments
    Boris Glavic, Xing Niu, Pengyuan Li and Ziyu Liu
    Technical Report #UIC/Cs-db-2022-01
    Illinois Institute of Technology.
  18. CaJaDE: Explaining Query Results by Augmenting Provenance with Context
    Chenjie Li, Juseung Lee, Zhengjie Miao, Boris Glavic and Sudeepa Roy
    Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (Demonstration Track). 15, 12 (2022) , 3594–3597.
  19. Runtime Provenance Refinement for Notebooks
    Nachiket Deo, Boris Glavic and Oliver Kennedy
    Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance (2022), pp. 8:1–8:4.
  20. Efficient Answering of Historical What-if Queries
    Felix Campbell, Bahareh Arab and Boris Glavic
    Proceedings of the 48th International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD) (2022), pp. 1556–1569.
  21. Interpretable Data-Based Explanations for Fairness Debugging
    Babak Salimi, Romila Pradhan, Jiongli Zhu and Boris Glavic
    Proceedings of the 48th International Conference on Management of Data (2022), pp. 247–261.
  22. To not miss the forest for the trees - A holistic approach for explaining missing answers over nested data
    Ralf Diestelkämper, Seokki Lee, Melanie Herschel and Boris Glavic
    Proceedings of the 46th International Conference on Management of Data (2021), pp. 405–417.
  23. Provenance-based Data Skipping
    Xing Niu, Ziyu Liu, Pengyuan Li, Boris Glavic, Dieter Gawlick, Vasudha Krishnaswamy, Zhen Hua Liu and Danica Porobic
    Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment. 15, 3 (2021) , 451–464.
  24. Playing Fetch with CAT - Composing Cache Partitioning and Prefetching for Task-based Query Processing
    Qitian Zeng, Kyle Hale and Boris Glavic
    International Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware (2021).
  25. Debugging Missing Answers for Spark Queries over Nested Data with Breadcrumb
    Ralf Diestelkämper, Seokki Lee, Melanie Herschel and Boris Glavic
    Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (Demonstration Track). 14, 12 (2021) , 2731–2734.
  26. Trends in Explanations: Understanding and Debugging Data-driven Systems
    Boris Glavic, Alexandra Meliou and Sudeepa Roy
    Foundations and Trends® in Databases. 11, 3 (2021) , 226–318.
  27. Data Provenance - Origins, Applications, Algorithms, and Models
    Boris Glavic
    Foundations and Trends® in Databases. 9, 3-4 (2021) , 209–441.
  28. Putting Things into Context: Rich Explanations for Query Answers using Join Graphs
    Chenjie Li, Zhengjie Miao, Qitian Zeng, Boris Glavic and Sudeepa Roy
    Proceedings of the 46th International Conference on Management of Data (2021), pp. 1051–1063.
  29. Efficient Uncertainty Tracking for Complex Queries with Attribute-level Bounds
    Su Feng, Aaron Huber, Boris Glavic and Oliver Kennedy
    Proceedings of the 46th International Conference on Management of Data (2021), pp. 528–540.
  30. DataSense: Display Agnostic Data Documentation
    Poonam Kumari, Michael Brachmann, Oliver Kennedy, Su Feng and Boris Glavic
    Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Innovative Data Systems (2021).
  31. Your notebook is not crumby enough, REPLace it
    Michael Brachmann, William Spoth, Oliver Kennedy, Boris Glavic, Heiko Müller, Sonia Castelo, Carlos Bautista and Juliana Freire
    Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Innovative Data Systems (2020).
  32. Approximate Summaries for Why and Why-not Provenance
    Seokki Lee, Bertram Ludäscher and Boris Glavic
    Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment. 13, 6 (2020) , 912–924.
  33. Query-based Why-not Explanations for Nested Data
    Ralf Diestelkämper, Boris Glavic, Melanie Herschel and Seokki Lee
    Proceedings of the 11th USENIX Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance (2019).
  34. PUG: a framework and practical implementation for why and why-not provenance
    Seokki Lee, Bertram Ludäscher and Boris Glavic
    The VLDB Journal. 28, 1 (Aug. 2019) , 47—71.
  35. CAPE: Explaining Outliers by Counterbalancing
    Zhengjie Miao, Qitian Zeng, Chenjie Li, Boris Glavic, Oliver Kennedy and Sudeepa Roy
    Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (Demonstration Track). 12, 12 (2019) , 1806–1809.
  36. Data Debugging and Exploration with Vizier
    Mike Brachmann, Carlos Bautista, Sonia Castelo, Su Feng, Juliana Freire, Boris Glavic, Oliver Kennedy, Heiko Müller, Rémi Rampin, William Spoth and Ying Yang
    Proceedings of the 44th International Conference on Management of Data (Demonstration Track) (2019), pp. 1877–1880.
  37. Analyzing Uncertain Tabular Data
    Oliver Kennedy and Boris Glavic
    Information Quality in Information Fusion and Decision Making
    Éloi Bossé and G. Rogova, eds. Springer. 291–320.
  38. Uncertainty Annotated Databases - A Lightweight Approach for Approximating Certain Answers
    Su Feng, Aaron Huber, Boris Glavic and Oliver Kennedy
    Proceedings of the 44th International Conference on Management of Data (2019), pp. 1313–1330.
  39. A High-Performance Distributed Relational Database System for Scalable OLAP Processing
    Jason Arnold, Boris Glavic and Ioan Raicu
    Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (2019), pp. 738–748.
  40. Snapshot Semantics for Temporal Multiset Relations
    Anton Dignös, Boris Glavic, Xing Niu, Michael H. Böhlen and Johann Gamper
    Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment. 12, 6 (2019) , 639–652.
  41. Going Beyond Provenance: Explaining Query Answers with Pattern-based Counterbalances
    Zhengjie Miao, Qitian Zeng, Boris Glavic and Sudeepa Roy
    Proceedings of the 44th International Conference on Management of Data (2019), pp. 485–502.
  42. Heuristic and Cost-based Optimization for Diverse Provenance Tasks
    Xing Niu, Raghav Kapoor, Boris Glavic, Dieter Gawlick, Zhen Hua Liu, Vasudha Krishnaswamy and Venkatesh Radhakrishnan
    IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. 31, 7 (2019) , 1267–1280.
  43. GProM - A Swiss Army Knife for Your Provenance Needs
    Bahareh Arab, Su Feng, Boris Glavic, Seokki Lee, Xing Niu and Qitian Zeng
    IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin. 41, 1 (2018) , 51–62.
  44. Let’s Make It Dirty with BART!
    Donatello Santoro, Patricia C. Arocena, Boris Glavic, Giansalvatore Mecca, Renée J. Miller and Paolo Papotti
    Proceedings of the 26th Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems (2018).
  45. Provenance Summaries for Answers and Non-Answers
    Seokki Lee, Bertram Ludäscher and Boris Glavic
    Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (Demonstration Track). 11, 12 (2018) , 1954–1957.
  46. Snapshot Semantics for Temporal Multiset Relations (extended version)
    Anton Dignös, Boris Glavic, Xing Niu, Michael H. Böhlen and Johann Gamper
    Technical Report #UIC/CS-DB-2018-03
    Illinois Institute of Technology.
  47. Using Reenactment to Retroactively Capture Provenance for Transactions
    Bahareh Arab, Dieter Gawlick, Vasudha Krishnaswamy, Venkatesh Radhakrishnan and Boris Glavic
    IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. 30, 3 (2018) , 599–612.
  48. DeepSea: Adaptive Workload-Aware Partitioning of Materialized Views in Scalable Data Analytics
    Jiang Du, Boris Glavic, Wei Tan and Renée J. Miller
    Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (2017), pp. 198–209.
  49. Provenance-aware Query Optimization
    Xing Niu, Raghav Kapoor, Boris Glavic, Dieter Gawlick, Zhen Hua Liu, Vasudha Krishnaswamy and Venkatesh Radhakrishnan
    Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (2017), pp. 473–484.
  50. Adaptive Schema Databases
    William Spoth, Bahareh Arab, Eric S. Chan, Dieter Gawlick, Adel Ghoneimy, Boris Glavic, Beda Hammerschmidt, Oliver Kennedy, Seokki Lee, Zhen Hua Liu, Xing Niu and Ying Yang
    Proceedings of the 8th Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems (2017).
  51. A SQL-Middleware Unifying Why and Why-Not Provenance for First-Order Queries
    Seokki Lee, Sven Köhler, Bertram Ludäscher and Boris Glavic
    Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (2017), pp. 485–496.
  52. Answering Historical What-if Queries with Provenance, Reenactment, and Symbolic Execution
    Bahareh Arab and Boris Glavic
    Proceedings of the 8th USENIX Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance (2017).
  53. Integrating Approximate Summarization with Provenance Capture
    Seokki Lee, Xing Niu, Bertram Ludäscher and Boris Glavic
    Proceedings of the 8th USENIX Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance (2017).
  54. Debugging Transactions and Tracking their Provenance with Reenactment
    Xing Niu, Boris Glavic, Seokki Lee, Bahareh Arab, Dieter Gawlick, Zhen Hua Liu, Vasudha Krishnaswamy, Su Feng and Xun Zou
    Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (Demonstration Track). 10, 12 (2017) , 1857–1860.
  55. Carving database storage to detect and trace security breaches
    James Wagner, Alexander Rasin, Boris Glavic, Karen Heart, Jacob Furst, Lucas Bressan and Jonathan Grier
    Digital Investigation. 22, (2017) , S127–S136.
  56. Benchmarking Data Curation Systems
    Patricia C. Arocena, Boris Glavic, Giansalvatore Mecca, Renée J. Miller, Paolo Papotti and Donatello Santoro
    IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin. 39, 2 (2016) , 47–62.
  57. The Exception that Improves the Rule
    Juliana Freire, Boris Glavic, Oliver Kennedy and Heiko Müller
    SIGMOD Workshop on Human-In-the-Loop Data Analytics (2016).
  58. Provenance-aware Versioned Dataworkspaces
    Xing Niu, Bahareh Arab, Dieter Gawlick, Zhen Hua Liu, Vasudha Krishnaswamy, Oliver Kennedy and Boris Glavic
    Proceedings of the 8th USENIX Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance (2016).
  59. Mimir: Bringing CTables into Practice
    Arindam Nandi, Ying Yang, Oliver Kennedy, Boris Glavic, Ronny Fehling, Zhen Hua Liu and Dieter Gawlick
    Technical Report #arXiv:1601.00073
  60. Implementing Unified Why- and Why-Not Provenance Through Games
    Seokki Lee, Sven Köhler, Bertram Ludäscher and Boris Glavic
    Proceedings of the 8th USENIX Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance (Poster) (2016).
  61. Optimizing Provenance Capture and Queries - Algebraic Transformations and Cost-based Optimization
    Xing Niu and Boris Glavic
    Technical Report #UIC/CS-DB-2016-02
    Illinois Institute of Technology.
  62. Efficiently Computing Provenance Graphs for Queries with Negation
    Seokki Lee, Sven Köhler, Bertram Ludäscher and Boris Glavic
    Technical Report #UIC/CS-DB-2016-03
    Illinois Institute of Technology.
  63. Reenactment for Read-Committed Snapshot Isolation (long version)
    Bahareh Arab, Dieter Gawlick, Vasudha Krishnaswamy, Venkatesh Radhakrishnan and Boris Glavic
    Illinois Institute of Technology.
  64. Formal Foundations of Reenactment and Transaction Provenance
    Bahareh Arab, Dieter Gawlick, Vasudha Krishnaswamy, Venkatesh Radhakrishnan and Boris Glavic
    Technical Report #UIC/CS-DB-2016-01
    Illinois Institute of Technology.
  65. Reenactment for Read-Committed Snapshot Isolation
    Bahareh Arab, Dieter Gawlick, Vasudha Krishnaswamy, Venkatesh Radhakrishnan and Boris Glavic
    Proceedings of the 25th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (2016), pp. 841–850.
  66. BART in Action: Error Generation and Empirical Evaluations of Data-Cleaning Systems
    Donatello Santoro, Patricia C. Arocena, Boris Glavic, Giansalvatore Mecca, Renée J. Miller and Paolo Papotti
    Proceedings of the 42nd International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD) (Demonstration Track) (2016), pp. 2161–2164.
  67. An Efficient Implementation of Game Provenance in DBMS
    Seokki Lee, Yuchen Tang, Sven Köhler, Bertram Ludäscher and Boris Glavic
    Technical Report #UIC/CS-DB-2015-02
    Illinois Institute of Technology.
  68. HRDBMS: A NewSQL Database for Analytics
    Jason Arnold, Boris Glavic and Ioan Raicu
    Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (Poster) (2015).
  69. The iBench Integration Metadata Generator
    Patricia C. Arocena, Boris Glavic, Radu Ciucanu and Renée J. Miller
    Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment. 9, 3 (2015) , 108–119.
  70. Gain Control over your Integration Evaluations
    Patricia C. Arocena, Radu Ciucanu, Boris Glavic and Renée J. Miller
    Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (Demonstration Track). 8, 12 (2015) , 1960–1971.
  71. Messing Up with Bart: Error Generation for Evaluating Data-Cleaning Algorithms
    Patricia C. Arocena, Boris Glavic, Giansalvatore Mecca, Renée J. Miller, Paolo Papotti and Donatello Santoro
    Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment. 9, 2 (2015) , 36–47.
  72. Error Generation for Evaluating Data Cleaning Algorithms
    Patricia C. Arocena, Boris Glavic, Giansalvatore Mecca, Renée J. Miller, Paolo Papotti and Donatello Santoro
    Technical Report #TR-01-2015
    Università della Basilicata.
  73. Making Database Applications Shareable
    Boris Glavic, Tanu Malik and Quan Pham
    Proceedings of the 7th USENIX Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance (Poster) (2015).
  74. Heuristic and Cost-based Optimization for Provenance Computation
    Xing Niu, Raghav Kapoor and Boris Glavic
    Proceedings of the 7th USENIX Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance (Poster) (2015).
  75. Sharing and Reproducing Database Applications
    Quan Pham, Richard Whaling, Boris Glavic and Tanu Malik
    Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (Demonstration Track). 8, 12 (2015) , 1988–1999.
  76. Interoperability for Provenance-aware Databases using PROV and JSON
    Xing Niu, Raghav Kapoor, Dieter Gawlick, Zhen Hua Liu, Vasudha Krishnaswamy, Venkatesh Radhakrishnan and Boris Glavic
    Proceedings of the 7th USENIX Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance (2015).
  77. Towards Constraint-based Explanations for Answers and Non-Answers
    Boris Glavic, Sven Köhler, Sean Riddle and Bertram Ludäscher
    Proceedings of the 7th USENIX Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance (2015).
  78. The iBench Integration Metadata Generator
    Patricia C. Arocena, Boris Glavic, Radu Ciucanu and Renée J. Miller
    University of Toronto.
  79. Automatic Generation and Ranking of Explanations for Mapping Errors
    Seokki Lee, Zhen Wang, Boris Glavic and Renée J. Miller
    Technical Report #UIC/CS-DB-2015-01
    Illinois Institute of Technology.
  80. LDV: Light-weight Database Virtualization
    Quan Pham, Tanu Malik, Boris Glavic and Ian Foster
    Proceedings of the 31st IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (2015), pp. 1179–1190.
  81. LDV: Light-weight Database Virtualization
    Quan Pham, Tanu Malik, Boris Glavic and Ian Foster
    Technical Report #UIC/CS-DB-2014-03
    Illinois Institute of Technology.
  82. A Primer on Database Provenance
    Boris Glavic
    Technical Report #UIC/CS-DB-2014-01
    Illinois Institute of Technology.
  83. Efficient Stream Provenance via Operator Instrumentation
    Boris Glavic, Kyumars Sheykh Esmaili, Peter M. Fischer and Nesime Tatbul
    Transactions on Internet Technology. 13, 1 (2014) , 7:1–7:26.
  84. Reenacting Transactions to Compute their Provenance
    Bahareh Arab, Dieter Gawlick, Vasudha Krishnaswamy, Venkatesh Radhakrishnan and Boris Glavic
    Technical Report #UIC/CS-DB-2014-02
    Illinois Institute of Technology.
  85. A Generic Provenance Middleware for Database Queries, Updates, and Transactions
    Bahareh Arab, Dieter Gawlick, Venkatesh Radhakrishnan, Hao Guo and Boris Glavic
    Proceedings of the 6th USENIX Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance (2014).
  86. Value Invention for Data Exchange
    Patricia C. Arocena, Boris Glavic and Renée J. Miller
    Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Management of Data (2013), pp. 157–168.
  87. Ariadne: Managing Fine-Grained Provenance on Data Streams
    Boris Glavic, Kyumars Sheykh Esmaili, Peter M. Fischer and Nesime Tatbul
    Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (2013), pp. 291–320.
  88. iBench First Cut
    Patricia C. Arocena, Mariana D’Angelo, Boris Glavic and Renée J. Miller
    University of Toronto.
  89. Using SQL for Efficient Generation and Querying of Provenance Information
    Boris Glavic, Renée J. Miller and Gustavo Alonso
    In search of elegance in the theory and practice of computation: a Festschrift in honour of Peter Buneman. (2013) , 291–320.
  90. Provenance for Data Mining
    Boris Glavic, Javed Siddique, Periklis Andritsos and Renée J. Miller
    Proceedings of the 5th USENIX Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance (2013).
  91. Provenance Management for Frequent Itemsets
    Javed Siddique, Boris Glavic and Renée J. Miller
    University of Toronto.
  92. Ariadne: Managing Fine-Grained Provenance on Data Streams
    Boris Glavic, Kyumars Sheykh Esmaili, Peter M. Fischer and Nesime Tatbul
    Technical Report #771
    ETH Zürich.
  93. Big Data Provenance: Challenges and Implications for Benchmarking
    Boris Glavic
    2nd Workshop on Big Data Benchmarking (2012), pp. 72–80.
  94. Reexamining Some Holy Grails of Data Provenance
    Boris Glavic and Renée J. Miller
    Proceedings of the 3rd USENIX Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance (2011).
  95. Smile: Enabling Easy and Fast Development of Domain-Specific Scheduling Protocols
    Christian Tilgner, Boris Glavic, Michael H. Böhlen and Carl-Christian Kanne
    Proceedings of the 28th British National Conference on Databases (2011), pp. 128–131.
  96. The Case for Fine-Grained Stream Provenance
    Boris Glavic, Kyumars Sheykh Esmaili, Peter M. Fischer and Nesime Tatbul
    Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Data Streams and Event Processing collocated with BTW (2011), pp. 58–61.
  97. Debugging Data Exchange with Vagabond
    Boris Glavic, Jiang Du, Renée J. Miller, Gustavo Alonso and Laura M. Haas
    Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (Demonstration Track). 4, 12 (2011) , 1383–1386.
  98. Declarative Serializable Snapshot Isolation
    Christian Tilgner, Boris Glavic, Michael H. Böhlen and Carl-Christian Kanne
    Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Advances in Database and Information Systems (2011), pp. 170–184.
  99. Correctness Proof of the Declarative SS2PL Protocol Implementation
    Christian Tilgner, Boris Glavic, Michael H. Böhlen and Carl-Christian Kanne
    University of Zurich.
  100. Data lineage/provenance in XQuery
    Donald Kossmann, Peter M. Fischer, Kyumars Sheykh Esmaili, Boris Glavic and Beat Steiger
    ETH Zurich.
  101. Formal Foundation of Contribution Semantics and Provenance Computation through Query Rewrite in TRAMP
    Boris Glavic
    University of Zurich.
  102. Perm: Efficient Provenance Support for Relational Databases
    Boris Glavic
    University of Zurich.
  103. TRAMP: Understanding the Behavior of Schema Mappings through Provenance
    Boris Glavic, Gustavo Alonso, Renée J. Miller and Laura M. Haas
    Proceedings of the Very Large Data Bases Endowment. 3, 1 (2010) , 1314–1325.
  104. Perm: Processing Provenance and Data on the same Data Model through Query Rewriting
    Boris Glavic and Gustavo Alonso
    Proceedings of the 25th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (2009), pp. 174–185.
  105. Provenance for Nested Subqueries
    Boris Glavic and Gustavo Alonso
    Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (2009), pp. 982–993.
  106. The Perm Provenance Management System in Action
    Boris Glavic and Gustavo Alonso
    Proceedings of the 35th ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (Demonstration Track) (2009), pp. 1055–1058.
  107. Clustering Multidimensional Sequences in Spatial and Temporal Databases
    Ira Assent, Ralph Krieger, Boris Glavic and Thomas Seidl
    International Journal on Knowledge and Information Systems. 16, 1 (2008) , 29–51.
  108. Data Provenance: A Categorization of Existing Approaches
    Boris Glavic and Klaus R. Dittrich
    Proceedings of the 12th GI Conference on Datenbanksysteme in Buisness, Technologie und Web (2007), pp. 227–241.
  109. Spatial Multidimensional Sequence Clustering
    Ira Assent, Ralph Krieger, Boris Glavic and Thomas Seidl
    Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Spatial and Spatio-temporal Data Mining collocated with ICDM (2006), pp. 343–348.
  110. sesam: Ensuring Privacy for an Interdisciplinary Longitudinal Study
    Boris Glavic and Klaus R. Dittrich
    Proceedings of the 1st Workshop Elektronische Datentreuhänderschaft - Anwendungen, Verfahren, Grundlagen collocated with GI Jahrestagung (2006), pp. 736–743.
  111. Subspace Sequence Clustering - Datamining zur Entscheidungsunterstützung in der Hydrologie
    Boris Glavic
    Proceedings of the 11th GI Conference on Database Systems for Business, Technology, and Web (Student Track) (2005), pp. 15–17.