UIC Database Group's Webpage
Welcome to the UIC Database Group. We host the source code for most of our research projects at https://github.com/IITDBGroup
We got a paper accepted at SIGMOD 2025 on improving the performance of model search for transfer learning.
Are you interested in data science / databases and are passionate about research? Consider joining our group.
We got a paper about learning from uncertain data accepted at NeurIPS 2024 and a paper on using approximate query processing accepted at SIGMOD 2025.
Learn how to build explainable, trust-worthy, secure, transparent, and fair systems for data analysis and machine learning.
Prof. Glavic will be joining University of Illinois, Chicago in January 2024.
Boris presents our group's work on uncertain data management at Berkeley
Congrats to Su for graduating! Su will continue to work with our group as a PostDoc.
Boris discusses why uncertainty is unavoidable in data analysis and gives an overview of our work on uncertain data management.