UIC Database Group

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Chenjie Li, Ph.D. Student

I recieved my Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering from GuiZhou University, China. I got my master’s degree in Data Science at Illinois Institute of Technology. I started my PhD program in Computer Science at IIT DBGroup in Spring 2020.


I have been TA for the following courses:
  • 2019 Fall: CS425 - Database Organization
  • 2020 Spring: CS525 - Advanced Database Organization
  • 2020 Spring: CS520 - Data Integration, Warehousing, and Provenance
  • 2021 Fall: CS525 - Advanced Database Organization

Research Projects

I am involved in the following research projects:


I am collaborating with:


  1. CaJaDE: Explaining Query Results by Augmenting Provenance with Context
    Chenjie Li, Juseung Lee, Zhengjie Miao, Boris Glavic and Sudeepa Roy
    Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (Demonstration Track). 15, 12 (2022) , 3594–3597.
  2. Putting Things into Context: Rich Explanations for Query Answers using Join Graphs
    Chenjie Li, Zhengjie Miao, Qitian Zeng, Boris Glavic and Sudeepa Roy
    Proceedings of the 46th International Conference on Management of Data (2021), pp. 1051–1063.
  3. CAPE: Explaining Outliers by Counterbalancing
    Zhengjie Miao, Qitian Zeng, Chenjie Li, Boris Glavic, Oliver Kennedy and Sudeepa Roy
    Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (Demonstration Track). 12, 12 (2019) , 1806–1809.