
- Carl-Christian Kanne - Platfora
- Christian Tilgner
- Michael H. Böhlen - University of Zurich
Smile: Enabling Easy and Fast Development of Domain-Specific Scheduling Protocols
Christian Tilgner, Boris Glavic, Michael H. Böhlen and Carl-Christian Kanne
Proceedings of the 28th British National Conference on Databases (2011), pp. 128–131.@inproceedings{TG11a, author = {Tilgner, Christian and Glavic, Boris and B\"ohlen, Michael H. and Kanne, Carl-Christian}, bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 28th British National Conference on Databases}, crossref = {DBLP:conf/bncod/2011}, date-added = {2012-12-14 18:55:49 +0000}, date-modified = {2012-12-18 17:16:36 +0000}, ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-24577-0_13}, keywords = {Oshiya}, pages = {128-131}, pdfurl = {http://www.cs.uic.edu/%7ebglavic/dbgroup/assets/pdfpubls/TG11a.pdf}, projects = {Oshiya}, title = {{Smile: Enabling Easy and Fast Development of Domain-Specific Scheduling Protocols}}, venueshort = {BNCOD}, year = {2011}, bdsk-url-1 = {http://www.cs.uic.edu/%7ebglavic/dbgroup/assets/pdfpubls/TG11a.pdf} }
Modern server systems schedule large amounts of concurrent requests constrained by, e.g., correctness criteria and service-level agreements. Since standard database management systems provide only limited consistency levels, the state of the art is to develop schedulers imperatively which is time-consuming and error-prone. In this poster, we present Smile (declarative Scheduling MIddLEware), a tool for developing domain-specific scheduling protocols declaratively. Smile decreases the effort to implement and adapt such protocols because it abstracts from low level scheduling details allowing developers to focus on the protocol implementation. We demonstrate the advantages of our approach by implementing a domain-specific use case protocol.
Declarative Serializable Snapshot Isolation
Christian Tilgner, Boris Glavic, Michael H. Böhlen and Carl-Christian Kanne
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Advances in Database and Information Systems (2011), pp. 170–184.@inproceedings{TG11, author = {Tilgner, Christian and Glavic, Boris and B\"ohlen, Michael H. and Kanne, Carl-Christian}, bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Advances in Database and Information Systems}, crossref = {DBLP:conf/adbis/2011}, date-added = {2012-12-14 18:55:49 +0000}, date-modified = {2012-12-18 17:17:23 +0000}, ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-23737-9_13}, keywords = {Oshiya}, pages = {170-184}, pdfurl = {http://www.cs.uic.edu/%7ebglavic/dbgroup/assets/pdfpubls/TG11.pdf}, projects = {Oshiya}, title = {{Declarative Serializable Snapshot Isolation}}, venueshort = {ADBIS}, year = {2011}, bdsk-url-1 = {http://www.cs.uic.edu/%7ebglavic/dbgroup/assets/pdfpubls/TG11.pdf} }
Snapshot isolation (SI) is a popular concurrency control protocol, but it permits non-serializable schedules that violate database integrity. The Serializable Snapshot Isolation (SSI) protocol ensures (view) serializability by preventing pivot structures in SI schedules. In this paper, we leverage the SSI approach and develop the Declarative Serializable Snapshot Isolation (DSSI) protocol, an SI protocol that guarantees serializable schedules. Our approach requires no analysis of application programs or changes to the underlying DBMS. We present an implementation and prove that it ensures serializability.
Correctness Proof of the Declarative SS2PL Protocol Implementation
Christian Tilgner, Boris Glavic, Michael H. Böhlen and Carl-Christian Kanne
University of Zurich.@techreport{TG10, author = {Tilgner, Christian and Glavic, Boris and B\"ohlen, Michael H. and Kanne, Carl-Christian}, date-added = {2012-12-14 18:55:49 +0000}, date-modified = {2012-12-18 17:16:01 +0000}, group = {dbtg}, institution = {University of Zurich}, keywords = {Oshiya}, pdfurl = {http://www.cs.uic.edu/%7ebglavic/dbgroup/assets/pdfpubls/TG10.pdf}, projects = {Oshiya}, title = {{Correctness Proof of the Declarative SS2PL Protocol Implementation}}, venueshort = {Techreport}, year = {2010}, bdsk-url-1 = {http://www.cs.uic.edu/%7ebglavic/dbgroup/assets/pdfpubls/TG10.pdf} }